Initiative that should benefit 70 million indebted Brazilians and reduce defaults in the country begins this Monday (5/6); will be carried out in three stages.
To try to alleviate this problem, the federal government, through the Ministry of Finance, launched the “Desenrola Brasil” program this year.
Some banks have already shown their desire to participate in the program, such as Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Bradesco and Santander. Banks C6, Banco Inter and Panamericano will participate in the government program.
How does the Desenrola Brasil program work?
The Desenrola program will present two categories of negotiation, with the expectation of involving 70 million indebted individuals and the possibility of establishing agreements totaling up to R$100 billion.
The first category will be aimed at those who were included in the list of defaulters as of January 1, 2019 and remained in this situation until December 31, 2022.
Renegotiation of debt will be limited to a maximum value of R$5,000, and the person must have an income of up to two minimum wages (R$2,640) or be registered with CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government).
It is important to highlight that range 1 does not cover debts related to rural credit, real estate financing with real guarantee, financing operations or third-party risk.
The payment option can be made in full or divided into up to 60 installments, with the condition that the value of the installment is greater than R$50, and the interest rate does not exceed 1.99% per month.
As informed by the Ministry of Finance, banks or other financial institutions can reduce this rate. The total amount of the debt can be paid off through Pix, boleto or debit. Additionally, there is a grace period of 30 to 59 days.
How to renegotiate your debts with the program?
Adherence to the renegotiation will be available exclusively through a digital platform to be developed by an operating entity to be announced by the FGO (Operations Guarantee Fund), the person responsible for guaranteeing band 1 agreements.
To participate in the program, the debtor will need to have a silver or gold level account on the portal. If you would like information on how to create this account, access the Brazil portal.
The responsibility for defining the format of the discount auction will be the responsibility of the operating entity. Debts will be grouped into categories, such as credit card, retailers, electricity services and basic sanitation.
The creditors who present the biggest discounts will be selected as winners and will be available on the platform for renegotiation. The specific auction categories and rules will be disclosed in an additional notice issued by the ministry.
Second range of debts can be renegotiated directly with the bank
Track 2, in turn, will focus on bank debts, allowing customers to negotiate directly with financial institutions.
Those who wish to join this modality can have a monthly income of up to R$20,000. However, it is important to note that some specific debts will not be included in this category.
- That relate to rural credit;
- That have a guarantee from the Union or a public entity;
- That do not have the credit risk fully assumed by financial agents;
- That have any type of forecast for the contribution of public resources or that have any interest rate equalization by the Union.
Customers have the option of carrying out negotiations either through the platform to be created for Desenrola or directly with banks. Questioned by the report, some banks disclosed the channels available to serve their customers.
Debts with BB
Banco do Brasil: negotiation with Banco do Brasil can be carried out through different channels, including:
Debts with Bradesco
Bradesco: Bradesco offers different options for debt negotiation, including:
- Bank application;
- Outsourced billing consultancy;
- Bank branches;
- Internet banking: access the following link for renegotiation:
Debts with Banco Inter
Inter: To negotiate with Inter, you can use the following channels:
- Bank application;
- Relationship center: call 3003-4070 (capitals and metropolitan regions) or 0800-940-0007 (other regions);
- Internet banking: access the following link for renegotiation: li>
Debts with Banrisul
Banrisul: Although the bank has not confirmed its participation in Desenrola, it was informed that customers can renegotiate their debts using the following channels:
- Bank application;
- WhatsApp: contact us by phone (51) 3215-1900;
- Bank branches;
- Internet banking: access the following link for renegotiation:
Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco Santander and Banco C6 are studying the renegotiation conditions for band 2 and will soon announce the channels available to carry out the agreements. On the other hand, banks Itaú, Pan, Nubank, Daycoval, Mercantil, PagBank and BMG have not provided a response to date.